It has been a while since anyone has been unfair to me, and so I really don't have any memories of unfairness. The truth is that I have never really cared. For every bigger version of something I c . ould select, I chose the one that hadn't been chosen. The thing I realized when I was about ten was that the world wasn't fair, and that caring only caused more difficulty.
I think that before I was ten I was just big, fast, and strong enough to get the smaller, slower, and weaker kids out of my way, and I always got more and so everything was fair to me. I also have no siblings, and so everyone in my house was, to me, my equal. When I first saw my mom cry, I recognized that she was human and our family was fair.
I love the ending of this slice. I agree that the world isn't fair and sooner or later we have to deal with it.