Sunday, March 8, 2015

Horizons (8/31)

There is sawdust floating in the water of my computer's desktop image. One piece is orange, bright and     irritating in the midst of water spreading out until it hits the horizon. No horizons are exactly the same. Some are on land, some in the ocean but always the horizon is the extent of what you can see. At school my horizons are the thoughts inside my head and the area surrounding me and the thing I am focusing on, whether or not this is actually my work. On the beach, the horizon is simply sky, going on and on until the end of the world. And that end is comforting, something I can lose myself in and something I can take as a sign of comfort. I can let the waves simply wash away all of my thoughts until there is nothing left but the sighing of the sea, and the feeling of grains of sand and time shifting beneath my feet.

1 comment:

  1. This is beautiful. The imagery is very vivid, but beyond that, the concept is interesting. Horizons are typically considered very visual, but a horizon of thought is intriguing.
